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RJS Construction works to stabilize National Historic Landmark, Oregon Caves Chateau, with Immediate Stabilization project.

The Chateau at the Oregon Caves in Southwest Oregon has been a popular tourist destination for almost a century, but due to its historic nature, it recently had to be closed for lack of safety, structural stability, and modern needs. This National Historic Landmark is a beautiful piece of Oregon’s history, supporting the economy of the area and lending a hand in historical inventions such as the View-Master (more information can be found in this article ). To avoid closure of the Chateau, several preservation groups, tourisms agencies, and the National Park Service have worked to raise funds to support the restoration of this historic lodge.

In September of 2023, the National Park Service awarded RJS Construction, with the Immediate Stabilization of Chateau at the Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve.  RJS began work at this beautiful historical site early this year, stabilizing structural retaining elements, repairing interior and exterior architectural aspects, replacement of water lines and sprinkler systems, upgrading safety and security measures, and extensive interior cleanup and abatement.

This last week, part of the scope included installing blackout film on (3) of the historic windows near the pond area where visitors of the Oregon Caves utilize picnic tables. RJS had concerns about installing black vinyl on historic glass because the heat gain from the black film could overheat the glass and cause it to crack. The RJS project team and NPS kicked around some options and came up with the idea to install graphics associated with the Chateau on the glass instead of a plain black film. Not only will these graphics avoid potentially damaging the historic glass, but it offers visitors a glimpse into the history of the Oregon Caves and the previous use of the rooms these windows are attached to. RJS Project Manager Scott Cerovac, Project Engineer Cyndee Hadley, and Site Superintendent Tom Frederick snapped these photos of a couple of the completed windows showcasing the old diner/snack bar, and the formal dining room back in their prime!


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